Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year!

Yikes! I did a bad job keeping up with last year. 2016 was a year to remember!

Here is our family now:

This was our Christmas card this year:
 The back:
I guess to start off I want to talk about each of the kids. They are growing like weeds.

LYDIA- She is such a trooper. She handles diabetes like it's nothin. She seems to get the most annoyed when she drops low because she has to stop what she's doing. But the pricking her finger and the shots are much much better than it used to be. I'm not quite sure if we've hit the "new normal" but we are getting there--something I never thought would happen.

She has started going into East Wenatchee for 6th grade. She cares about her hair now! Yikes! She likes to do buns on the top of her head. She is doing band, trumpet. We are still plugging away at piano and spanish but we definitely need to put more effort into both of those. She is pretty open about liking a boy named "Tyler". Grrrr. He's in ALL her classes apparently. Hopefully we will get to painting her room in the next month or so, she's been patiently awaiting that! Her best friends are still the 'ol gang from Palisades School. She is in LOVE with an app called Musically. She makes selfie videos of herself singing and being weird! She is into basketball and volleyball. Really seems to hate running. We got this girl her dream come true in March, a husky puppy named Saber. He has been ALOT of work, ALOT more work than any of us realized. We, even Lydia, are still trying to decide if we even like him all that much. But now I won't have the guilt of never getting Lydia her dog. Ha!

CARTER- This boy is the Mr. Planner. He loves science, experiments, bop-its, robots, pokemon, skylanders and playing kickball. He is very fast, but doesn't know it yet. He really wants a baby sister. It's really cute when he plays with Jake. He is very sloooow at doing his chores. His best buddies are Jonny and Thomas- both live out here in Palisades. He still doesn't like potatoes, but will manage to choke them down. He's a big fan of salad now with homemade ranch. His 3rd grade teacher this year, Mrs. Risdon, has really helped Carter to excel. He was slow in his fluency to read, but has caught up. And he claims to like math:) One night he was doing his homework in bed and started yelling, "is rooster the verb? Is rooster the verb?" So funny.

COLE- My cute little blonde. I will be sad to see him go to kindergarten next year. He guilts me all the time now about learning his numbers and letters. He is a great help with Jake and loves being Caters sidekick. They have started to fight more than normal tho. Cole is old enough to not let Carter get away with stuff! Cole loves to go work with his dad. He wanted 'work gloves' for Christmas:) He always has to go the bathroom when it's time for dinner. Both he and Carter earned enough money working this summer to buy themselves their own ipad/kindle. They have been loving that. Cole has a thing for shoes. Nothing makes his heart glow more than a nice pair of shoes or boots.

JAKE- My Jakey boy has been a spitfire since the 2nd week of birth. Right as he (finally) started sleeping through the night Lydia was diagnosed--had to get up and check her. So I haven't had much sleep in awhile. He does alright now, except when a tooth is coming in. Just a few days before Christmas Jake learned to climb out of his crib. So we are off on that adventure. He was found at 4am walking around the living room in the dark. He has quite the temper. If he doesnt' get what he wants, he will lose it. Even if you give in, and give him what he wants, he doesn't care. He's in the middle of his fit and is gonna throw it. I'm pretty sure half the time he's more into throwing fits and forgets what he wanting. Jake has ALOT of facial expressions. So many, that lots of people comment to me about it. He really goes from horrible to adorable in a split second! He has a dimple on his left cheek and it melts my heart. He has crazy hair in the back that WON'T go down. He LOVES his baba. Someday I"ll wean him. haha. I nursed him until he was about 10 months. He loves to go into my room and play with my garments. Soft and silky. Just the way he likes it:) Grandma made him a blue and green silkie for Christmas so hopefully that will replace my underwear!

JEROMY- Mr. Bishop. He's doing great. Seems to enjoy it. He's had some crazy things happen his first 6 months. He is installing new orchard. We have the pink lady and granny's in. This spring we are getting more root stock- not quite sure what we are gonna bud it to be. He's incredibly patient with his father. Like, incredibly patient.

LINDEE- I have been doing more photography and working at the school. I do each of them just enough to enjoy it on the side and not get overloaded or stressed...most of the time. I like living in the country, but I don't. I just got called into YW, so that will be fun! I haven't been in since Denver. I want to learn Spanish. I go through spurts and am gonna pick it back up for New Year. I played a piano solo in church a few months ago. Crazy, I know. Now people think I play the piano. haha! I have lots of dreams for my house and yard. None of them that will really happen, but a girl can drearm, right?! My teeth aren't getting better. I had two crowns done in 2016. I need a rootcanal done and probably more. Boo. So depressing. Next week I am going to AZ to see Baby Violet's blessing. That will be fun, I have never gotten away from the kids. I do have to take Jake tho. I guess it's better than nothing:)

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