Friday, July 11, 2014

First Photoshoot

 This is my beautiful niece. I recently got a NikonD3000 and decided to take some Baptism announcement photos for her. Here are a few of my favorite! She was one very determined girl to wear her white dress--without a jacket and her open toed shoes--out in the snow!

February 2014

 Here is our month of February in a nutshell. The kids are adjusting well to school. I feel like when February gets here I start getting anxious for Spring.
 Here is our TV thief.
 Getting ready to go hike the canyon.

 Looking down on our house and the organic alfalfa field. You can kind of see the Gala trees on the left and the Ambrosia up above our house.

 Deer. We have lots of them.
 When Papa fills up his truck with corn or peas the kid LOVE playing in it!
 The three crazies are often found like this---playing the ipad.
 We got a lamb! His name is Pirate. And we ABSOLUTELY ADORE him! I have not seen a lamb cuter.

 This is Puff, Grammy's cat. Fluffiest cat you'll ever meet.
 Cute Carter.
 Crazy Carter.
They were sticking pillows in their shirt and running into each other.
 Our new fridge has the freezer on the bottom. Cole can now easily get to the ice cream. Lovely.

He's SIX

 Even though he's wearing a shirt that says "five" he really is SIX! He chose to bring GOOMBA cupcakes to school for his birthday treat. They turned out sooo cute!

Since we have zero friends here, we went back ti TC and invited his friends to open gym one evening. He had a great time and misses his friends!

January 2014

 Looks like I'm gonna have to re-cap the past six months so I can feel like I haven't given up on journaling....i mean, blogging:)

We moved the the farm at the beginning of November and even though it's July now, I still feel like we are adjusting. I guess I shouldn't say WE, it's more like ME!

 The farm animals always keep us busy......and entertained. This is grammy's chicken.
 We did get some snow this year. Just enough to go sledding and do snowmen/horse/alligator.
 This mama pig had mastitis so we took the four (left) living babies and bottle fed them. Unfortunately two out of the four made it to spring.

 Waiting for the bus stop. Their school actually lets them play in the snow. They are all for snow pants and bibs. It's kinda cool.
 My super Coley.
 A new family, farm tradition we started this new year was burning our Christmas tree. It was actually alot of fun.
 My sillies.

 I officially started HAPPY THOUGHTS.
I will be there. This was a pic from one of my first posts.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014