Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Homemade noodles, anyone?

 I may never do this again. Had to document it. ha!
Homemade noodles. And they even ate them. 
So I guess it was a success- and a big mess.

water, water everywhere!

 It wouldn't be summer if there wasn't water to play in!
We are always up to something.

 His face is sooo cute when he gets wet! He runs away and squeals!
 I was taking a picture of CJ sitting on top of this squirter- whooops, he slipped!
 ...and hurt his bum, can ya tell?!
 Rub a dub dub, how many kids in the tub?

and the fun continues...

 We made a quick trip to Wenatchee to check it out. There's a chance we may move to Palisades and with that comes the option of Jeromy starting his own company in the big W. We rented a hotel Friday night and then spent Saturday checking it out. We had a great trip and it was a beautiful place. But Carter and I don't care to live next to stinky pigs, so- we'll see.....


 Swinging upside down is the cool thing to do, apparently.

 Coley loved it. I beg to differ.....