Tuesday, June 25, 2013

TBall stars

Carter played T Ball and Lydia did coach pitch. They both did great and loved to play in the pitcher spot- although they didn't pitch :) I got a great video of carter tagging someone out and one of Lydia trying to hit someone with the ball (hehe), but I just can't get the video to load.....

It's obvious this little guy went to lots of practices and games. He seems to have paid more attention than Bug or CJ..... Look at that form!!

Yay for TBall and now for soccer to begin!

Let Summer Begin!

 Nice weather is still hit and miss, so we take advantage of the beautiful days while we have them! Can that top picture be any cuter?

You can always tell when it's time for summer to begin. Their jeans are too short AND have holes!
 Prepping dad's cake. 
I happened to burn my cheek on a match. Ugh!
 Happy Birthday Dad! We Love YOU!
Here they are doing the Coley- "FREEZE!"
 It was delish, can't ya tell?!
 One of Jer's client he did a design for invited us over to enjoy their backyard. Which means POOL PARTY! First swimming of the season. It was fab. They also fed us a rib dinner too!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Mother's Day

 Mother's day was fabulous, as usual. Jeromy always makes it great. The Bishop ended up letting them out of meetings early, so he came home and I even got breakfast in bed. I didn't think I'd get it this year, so I was sure surprised!
 The kids just LOVE taking pictures after church (not!). It was definitely forced this year, if you can't tell! They always make me something homemade, which I love.