Monday, January 7, 2013

Holiday Happenings

 We had some gymnastic fun while Lydia was out of school.
 My brother was in town and the kids went bowling for their first time. I don't think Jer and I had been since we were dating!

We went tree hunting.

 We found the perfect one!

 The kids did a great job decorating it this year.
 The kids sang as angels at the Ward Christmas Party.
Here they are Santa Sittin'--

eehhhh....Cole wasn't a big fan.......

A Year of Cole

 Lots of the time I'm happy and cute.
But I do have my gumpy times too.
 I usually drink my sippy upside down, like so.
 I LOVE baths. I sneak my bath toys out of the bathroom and play with them, 
so I can pretend I'm taking a bath.
 Me. Love. Mom.

 This is my "so cute" face.
 I do lots of "so cute" faces after I get in trouble.
 But really, the lipstick wasn't so bad.
 Yogurt is pretty great.
 I will not leave a hat on. Don't bother trying. Wait...go ahead and try. You WON'T win!
 Mom thinks I'm adorable and can't stop taking pictures. Oh well, I better get start getting used to it, 'cause I just keep getting cuter and cuter.
 12 month stats:
 Height: 30.8 inches- 81%ile
Head Cirum: 45.8- 33%ile
Weight: 16.25 lbs- -%ile

I sleep through the night now!
No binki
No bottle
I like my two blankeys
Still lovin' my baby mush
I'm always very busy
I look just like my dad
I'm a good napper- only in my bed tho
I get bored at the grocery store
Love treats, popcorn and icecream
Don't tell anybody but I love playing in the toilet.
and I love to unroll the toilet paper while I'm there
All four of my top teeth came in at once
Bug and CJ are my bestest buds

Birthday Boy

My little CB is ready for a birthday!

 Here he is on his birthday eve, getting ready for bed!


  Octopus cake
 Opening presents
 You know those classic baby faces, that you rarely can get on camera?!
I finally got one! He's so funny!!!

 He was a little unsure of the cake and getting it all over himself...But he didn't not like it :) When Jeromy got out the ice cream I think I heard CB say, "Bring it on!"
 Ahhh, all nice and clean :)
Happy Birthday sweet boy, we love you!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Halloween 2012

 Now that we have a little more room, I hosted our first Halloween Party. We just got together some neighbor friends and had a little bit of some scary fun  =)

 This year I had a Princess Rosalina, a King Boo, and a baby Luigi